Thursday, July 24, 2008

Trying new stuff... I'll never hear the end of this one

Feeling drained when I got off work today, which basically meant I couldn't stand one more second in a car, I worked out at home again. I thought I'd try some stuff from Dan John's book, "From the Ground Up." I did a modified version of a day from his Transformation program. I couldn't do overhead squats because of the low ceiling in my basement.

Power Clean & Front Squat 115#x8x3
Power Curl(don't laugh) 95#x8x3
Plank holds front and both sides: 45 secs. each

Kb swings: 35#x15x3

I know I'm gonna catch flack from any crossfitters who happen to read this for the power curls. It was the only exercise I could do in that damned basement! I know it's not very functional, but it's in the program. I trust in Dan John's wisdom. Besides, I could use a little work for the pipecleaners I call my arms. Or maybe I just need more pullups...

Oh well, you have my permission to boo next time you see me.

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