Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday 6/30/09


Clean & Jerk


3 Rounds
Row 400M
Push Press 107.5#

Time: 7:39

I really liked that circuit. I would have had a much better time if I knew how to reset the new rower at the gym. I had to reprogram 400M every round. Frustrating!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

M onday 6/29/09

Today sucked because I couldn't make it to the gym because of work so I did a little kettlebell workout from enter the kettlebell. Unfortunately all I have at my house is a 12 kilo which is way too light, but better than nothing.

Clean & Press and Chin-up ladders
3(1,2,3 C&P)3(1,2 Chins)

5 minutes of KB snatches
110 snatches

Well at least I got a sweat going. Not very hard at all though, except for the chins I suck at those. Tomorrow I will be back on the Catalyst Athletics WOD. Can't wait to lift more heavy shit!!!

Saturday 6/27/09


70kg(pr), 59kg x1x3

Clean & Jerk
82kg(pr), 69kg x1x3

Back Squat
82kg x2x2

Standing Twists
15kg x30x3

Made PRs in both lifts today, but I missed the 70 snatch twice before I made it and the clean at 82 was ugly as hell. I got stuck in the bottom and had to bounce my way out, made it though and the Jerk was pretty good.

I think my lack of strength is holding me back at this point. I feel like my best C&J should be better than 12 Kilos higher than my Snatch. Oh well it'll come.

Friday, June 26, 2009



High-hang Snatch

High-hang Clean+ 3 Jerks

50 Double unders
25 Push-ups
40 Double unders
20 Push-ups
30 Double unders
15 Pushups

Time: 7:03

I added 2 more Jerks per set because I have struggled with them lately. Subbed metcon exercises due to lack of equipment.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I hate having time restraints on my workouts!! Today, all I could fit in was heavy snatches and front squat+jerk

40 Kg, 5oKg, 60Kg, 70Kg(f), 70Kg(f), 70Kg(f)dammit!!

Front squat+Jerk work up to a heavy single
40Kgx3fs+1Jerk, 50Kgx3fs+1Jerk, 60Kgx3fs+1Jerk, 70Kgx2fs+1 Jerk, 80Kg

5 minutes of 1 pood turkish get ups

Really frustrated by the misses on the snatch. I guess I should have waited until Saturday. lesson learned. I will work Clean and Jerk and snatch push presses+OHS tomorrow

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday 6/22/09

Warm ups
95, 115, 135, 145

150, 155(Failed twice), 127x1x3

Clean & Jerk
Warm ups
95, 115, 135, 155, 165

180(failed on jerk), 180(PR), 152x1x3

All my pulls felt great, but my overhead position is WEAK!!! I really need to work on that. Emailed Coach B to see what he has to say about it. Wanted to front squat but it was getting late and I had to get home and eat. next time I'll throw it in. Wednesday is next. All weights in this post are in pounds.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

WOD 090610

3 Position snatch
40 KGx3x5

Snatch Push Press
50 KGx5x5

Snatch Pulls
70 KGx3x3

Front Squat
80 KGx3x3

I like this type of workout. the 3 position lifts really help with technique. The only problem was that it took over an hour and a half. I wanted to do 5 sets on the front squat but again, time. I will keep doing this program from coach B with some metcons thrown in here and there.

WOD 090608

Clean & Jerk
185(F), 175, 140,140,140

3 Rounds
20 situps
20 DB snatches(10 per arm)
20 Double Unders

Time: 10:31

Wow this was a disappointing work out. I failed on my old PR on Clean & Jerk and my time on the metcon sucked. Of all the things holding me up it was the double unders that held me back. That used to be one of my strengths. I may do this one again on Thursday just to prove it was a bad day.

Monday, June 8, 2009

WOD 090607

125x1(f 2nd), 115x2, 115x2, 115x2, 115x2, 115x2

115 Over head carry- 230 ft

6x 230 ft Farmers walks w/2 1.5 pood KB 20 sec. rest b/w efforts

Didn't time the walks, they were hard but fun. I just didn't have in on the snatch today. Must have been that shitty nutrition I had today. No more 5 guys burgers and fries

Thursday, June 4, 2009

WOD 090603


36# KB swings
Double Unders

Time: 6:12

This was alright but would have been better if I had a heavier kettlebell(I need to get a 53#). My rope broke at the handle in the middle of the set of 20 so without the time I took to fix my rope, about 30-40 seconds, my time should have been a lot faster.


108#x3, 108#x3, 108#x3

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

WOD 090602

ME Back Squat

98x5, 132x5, 176x3, 196x2

Work sets
222, 232, 242, 252

Rest~7 minutes

5 rounds

5 deadlifts 232#
8 burpees

time: 4:59

Just read an article in the Performance Menu about relative scaling. I thought it was great and I thought I would try it. First workout felt great, I finally felt like I was hitting that glycolytic pathway. My max squat was kind of low, but I haven't tried to max yet this year and I didn't have a spotter to help me if I got stuck in the bottom. I'm gonna keep this up and see where it takes me.