Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Garage Gym

I have started building my garage gym. So far my equipment is as follows:

2-20kg bumpers
4-15kg bumpers
4-10kg bumpers
2-45# bumpers
2-10# bumpers
235# in Iron plates
1-20kg York bar
1-York Squat/Press stand
1-Flat bench
1-set rings
1-jump rope
1-stall mat
1-16kg Kettlebell
1-12kg Kettlebell
2-35# Dumbbells

I think I am pretty close to having all I need.
I still need to build my lifting platform, a pull up bar, a 12 and 20 inch plyo-box, and maybe a pulling sled. I am trying to build some of these this weekend and I'll test drive my elements program on myself and maybe someone else.

400 m run at my garage gym

Here's a map of 400 m track to be run at my gym

Monday, May 18, 2009

WOD 090518

Hang Power Clean
88#x5, 98#x5, 108#x5, 120#x3,130#x3, 140#x3

Push Press 98#

Time: 8:55