Thursday, July 16, 2009

WOD 090717

10 Min AMRAP

3 Ring Dips
5 Thrusters
7 Situps

Pick a weight for the thrusters that is challenging, but not super heavy. Post rounds and change to comments.


George Heckert said...

Used 2 35# dumbbells for the Thrusters.

7 Rounds + 3 Ring dips

This was a goat WOD. In a goat you work on stuff you really suck at. I tried to put my weaknesses into all of these workouts. The ring dips are my worst followed by thrusters. 28 ring dips and 35 thrusters in 10 mins is a good start on improving these

George Heckert said...

thrusters with dumbbells are really tough!!