Monday, November 17, 2008

WOD 081117

Snatch 125#, 125#, 125#, 125#
Clean & Jerk 155#, 155#, 155#

Ok Ok so I didn't do exactly as planned, but this is a good starting point. All the reps were good, technique felt solid except for one clean was kind of sketchy. I there is one goal that I think is the least likely I'll make, it's the 100 Kilo C&J. I'm going to stick with the Olifts, I just love doing them. I need to post video of my attempts so I can critique them. Tomorrows WOD will be:

Back Squat-80% x 3 x 5
Snatch Deadlift- 115% x 2 x 2
Push Press- 75% x 5 x 5

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