Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday 4/26/10

Finally feeling better after being sick for a week! Did some Kettlebell work to get back into things.

10, 8, 6, 4, 2

Swings L hand
Goblet Squat
Swings R hand

Didn't time this but I didn't need to. I kept a high pace and this was a lot harder than it looked. I used a 1 pood bell. I really liked this. I think I will use kettlebells liberally for the next month as I made a goal to lose 15 pounds by May 24th 2010. At the time of this post, I weigh: 230#...Ouch! I will mix in some barbell lifting as well, but not a ton of volume. Weight on the bar and low reps is the name of the game.

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