Friday, April 3, 2009

something short and fun

Just did a short little metcon as active rest.

Friday 040309

5 rounds

10 ring rows
10 pushups


Fun little burner. Should have been faster but oh well I'm out of shape.

Thursday, 090402

Snatch: 50kgx1x2, 55kgx1x3
Clean & Jerk: 70kg x1x5
RDL: 80kgx10x3
Situps: 3x15

I finally got my program squared away. The workout I did today is the A workout.
The B workout will be:

Front Squat: 3x5
Press(or Push Press): 3x5
Deadlift: 1x5

Each workout will use linear progression; i.e. I will add weight to every exercise, every workout. Today's is the starting weights for the A workout.